Share files via Internet on Ubuntu with Warp

Endrit Qerreti

Endrit Qerreti

Warp is a Gnome app that allows you to share files on Ubuntu. With warp you can share files via the internet, and between devices on local network, which means you can share any file between computers on the same network, you can also send files to computers that are not on the same network.

Let's say you want to send your friend some files, you can do this easily, all you have to do is to select and the file that you want to send to your friend. Then your friend needs to enter your transmit code in order to receive the file.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Warp on Ubuntu 23.04 and how to use it to share files over the internet and between computers on local network.

Install Warp on Ubuntu

Warp is a flatpak app, and can be found on Flathub repository. Warp can be easily installed as long as you have flatpak installed on your system also.

Launch terminal, and run the command below to install Warp

flatpak install flathub app.drey.Warp

Launch Warp

Now that Warp is installed on your system, you can launch it by running the command below

flatpak run app.drey.Warp

Once you run Warp for the first time, you will see the Welcome window. Click on "Next" button

Next, click to "Get started using Warp" button to start using Warp

Send files with Warp

To send a file with Warp, Click on "Select file" button

Next, select file that you want to send and click to "Open" button

Once you have selected the file, you will be taken to Transmit code window. This is the transmit code that you will need to enter on the other device in order to receive the file that you are sending

Next, launch Warp on the other device where you want to receive the file, and go to "Receive" window, and then enter the transmit code and finally click to "Receive File" button

You will see the following prompt, confirm that you want to receive the file by clicking to "Accept" button

And the transfer process will begin, the file will be saved automatically on your Downloads folder once is received.


In this tutorial, you learned how to install Warp, and how to use it to share files via the internet and via local network on Ubuntu 23.04.