How to install Vscodium on Ubuntu 20.04

Endrit Qerreti

Endrit Qerreti

Vscodium is an open source binary of Vscode.

Vscodium provides a repository that you can add on your Ubuntu system, and use that repository to install Vscodium easily via the terminal.

Vscodium is same as Vscode, which means if you are a Vscode user, then you will also be able to use Vcodium with no problem.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Vscodium on Ubuntu 20.04.

Install Vscodium on Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1 - Download Vscodium GPG

Vscodium GPG key can be easily downloaded on your machine, via the command below.

Run the command below as is, and Vscodium GPG key should get downloaded on your machine.

wget -qO - \
    | gpg --dearmor \
    | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/vscodium-archive-keyring.gpg

Once downloaded, move on to next step.

Step 2 - Setup Vscodium Repository

Next, you need to setup Vscodium repository. To do this, simply run the command below.

echo 'deb [ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/vscodium-archive-keyring.gpg ] vscodium main' \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscodium.list

Step 3 - Update Ubuntu 20.04

No matter the version of Ubuntu that you are using, updating them can be done in the same way by using the same command.

To update your Ubuntu 20.04 machine, you can do so by running the command below

sudo apt update

Step 4 - Install Vscodium

Now that Vscodium repository is added on your machine, you can now proceed to use this repository and install Vscodium.

To install Vscodium, run the command below

sudo apt install codium -y

Use Vscodium

Vscodium should be now installed on your Ubuntu 20.04 machine.

To launch Vscodium, you can do so from your terminal, simply run codium and it should launch Vscodium


Uninstalling Vscodium on Ubuntu 20.04

We used the official repository to download vscodium package and install it. Thus, to uninstall vscodium, we can do so by using terminal and apt package manager.

sudo apt remove codium --purge


By now you should know how to install and uninstall Vscodium on Ubuntu 20.04.