How to Install Slackware 15.0

Endrit Qerreti

Endrit Qerreti

Slackware 15.0 is a stable release of Slackware, and it is based on kernel 5.15.19, the new version comes also with KDE and XFCE Desktop environment.

Slackware was founded on 1993, and it's the oldest Linux distro.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Slackware Linux on your machine.

Boot into Slackware

Insert the bootable device that contains Slackware ISO on your computer, then restart your computer and enter in the boot mode, then select the same device that you plugged in, and you should see the boot menu of Slackware, as shown in the image below.

Select " Start Slackware Live" and press enter to boot Slackware

Next, you will see the login window, the default password is : live, enter this password and press enter to login on Slackware Live OS

Once you authenticate using the default password, launch the Slackware Installer to start the installation process

Enter again the same password : live, and press enter

Once you launch "Install Slackware" installer, you will see the following prompt. This means the hdd that is attached on your computer it's not a linux type hdd. Press enter on this step, and let's create the hdd on the next step below.

On this step, you need to press spacebar to select the hdd where you are going to install Slackware. Press enter once you choose the hdd.

After selecting the hdd to install Slackware, you will see the following prompt.

Warning! Non-GPT or damaged disk detected! This program will attempt to convert GPT form or repair damage to GPT data structures, but may not succeed. Use gdisk or another disk repair tool if you have dmaged GPT disk.

Press enter to proceed setting up the hdd

Next, Select "New" and press enter on cgdisk prompt

On this step you will be asked to enter hdd

Now, you need to select the hdd that you created on the step above. For example, we set the hdd name as hdd, select the hdd that you created and select "Write" button as shown in the image below, and press enter to write changes to the disk.

Type yes on this prompt, and press enter to continue

Once the changes are written, select "Quit" and press enter

Now, you need to select the hdd where you are going to install Slackware. To do this, select "Target" and press enter

Press enter on this prompt

And the installation should begin, this process may take awhile so get yourself a cup of coffee while waiting

Once installation has been completed, you need to press enter to continue setting up your system

Now you need to create a user account, press enter to continue

Fill out Full name and logonname, logonname is the username, next press Submit to continue

After creating your account, you need to create a password for this account

Once user account has been created, you will see the following prompt. You don't have to do anything on this prompt, simply press the Ok button to continue

Select "Yes", to install a firewall on Slackware

Here you will see the network devices that are available to use, choose the network device that is currently active and has access to the internet, and click "Next" to continue

Next, you will get the prompt

Do you want to block all incoming external connections? If 'no', then you will be able to specify ports that need to be open

Choose "Yes", and press enter

Next, select the first option as shown in the image below, when installing LILO

Proceed to configure LILO, by selecting the "Standard" option

This step is optional, so you don't have to add anything on this box. Select the "OK" button, and press enter

Now you need to choose the target device where you want to install LILO. Select MBR, and press enter to install LILO on MBR

Choose "Yes", to configure network

Next, enter a hostname for the system, and press enter

Set a domain name, you can set anything as domain name.

VLAN stands for Local Area Network. Choose whether you want to configure a VLAN ID.

Now, you need to configure the network. The autoconfigure option should do the job in most cases, however, you can also setup network manually.

Select "Yes" on this prompt, in this step you are adding the Network management control panel widget to your Desktop.

You should see the following message, this means the network is configured, so you can move to the next step, press enter here to continue

Now, you need to select which services you want to start once your system boots. You can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate on this window, once you locate the service that you want to start at boot, press spacebar, once done press enter.

Choose "Hardware clock is set to local time" on this step

Select the timezone from the list below, press enter when choosing

On this step you need to choose the default text editor. Select one text editor from the list and pres the OK button

That's it! Slackware has been successfully installed and configured. Press enter on this step to reboot your computer, so you can start using Slackware.

Once Slackware reboots, you should see the following boot menu, press enter to start Slackware

Now you can login using the credentials that you created earlier during installation


By now, you should have a working Slackware OS on your machine.