Arduino IDE is a software that you can use to connect to your arduino board.
You basically write your code on Arduino IDE and then you upload it to your arduino board.
Arduino IDE supports Linux, and it provides an appimage and also the source code, so you can install it via two ways on Linux.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Arduino IDE on Ubuntu.
Step 1 - Download Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE can be downloaded from the Arduino official website. In this tutorial, we'll be downloading Arduino IDE in the .appimage format.
First, you need to go to the Arduino Website
Next, click to "Appimage 64bits (x86-64)"
And downloading of arduino-ide_2.2.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
should begin.
Step 2 - Make Arduino Appimage executable
Now you need to make arduino-ide_2.2.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
executable in order to be able to execute it.
To make an appimage executable is easy, and you can use the chmod
chmod +x ./arduino-ide_2.2.1_Linux_64bit.AppImage
Making an .appimage executable shouldn't return anything on the terminal, so once you run the command above, you should be able to launch Arduino IDE.
Step 3 - Run Arduino IDE
Now that Arduino IDE appimage is made executable, you can proceed to launch it. To do this, simply run the command below
When you run Arduino IDE for the first time, you must accept its terms and service.
Simply click to "Agree" button
Accepting terms of service, should launch Arduino IDE GUI
If you get the error dlopen(): error loading
when trying to launch Arduino IDE, this error means that you don't have libfuse2 package installed on your system.
To install libfuse2, run the command below
sudo apt install libfuse2
Once you have installed libfuse2, you should be able to run Arduino IDE by using terminal, or simply double-click the appimage.
In this tutorial, you learned how to install Arduino IDE on Ubuntu, by using the appimage format.